tobacco flower
origin: south american andes, around bolivia and argentina
parts used: flower
scent profile: sweet, opulent floral, indolic (reminiscent of jasmine) or sometimes taking greener or amber-y notes
medicinal applications: (has been known to) expel intestinal worms, (can potentially) alleviate diziness associated with fainting, (historically was) used as a treatment for asthma
featured scent: the dreamer by versace - this scent gets a lot of critique, and i guess it's down to skin chemmies. i get the iris-baby-powder thing, but i think it provides the texture of open air. a bonfire in the middle of a pasture, where there's little distinction between earth and night, breeze and stillness. dewy grass beneath you and stars above. (and thanks to the tobacco flower, a pack of smokes in your back pocket.)

orris root
origin: mediterranean (think everywhere from greece to italy to morocco)
parts used: roots (from iris flower), usually aged for multiple years, steam distilled into oil that solidifies into a waxy "concrete" that is obscenely expensive due to specific storage requirements for maximum scent & fixative abilities in parfumerie
scent profile: rooty, powdery, violet, with the texture of suede
medicinal applications: (has been known to) expel mucus and general hoarseness in the lungs, (can be) an inflammation reducer, (historically was) packed into wounds, or used to alleviate water retention in cells
featured scent: velvet coffee by maison tahite - a warm, herbal, coffee scent with a velvet-y texture that i'm attributing to the orris. the somewhat astringent carrot oil and vetiver linger long after the smooth cup of coffee.